Sunday, May 20, 2007

I officially declare my scale a BIG FAT LIAR!!!! Nothing moving, but I do look different...sigh. Oh well, the trials and tribulations of dieting! I guess that's what my trainer's for...let him worry about it!!!!

Just started cardio last week for the first time since JULY!!!! I can't believe I started cardio at 12 weeks this point previously, I'd have been doing well over an hour daily! I'm only doing 3 actual cardio sessions of varying length and 2 ciruit style sessions....they kick m a@#! But I guess that's what needs to be done, so on with the show!!!

Happy Day!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Okee dokee....

Well, since I am 11 weeks out today from my first Pro Figure show, thought I'd start a blog so I can share what's going on....instead of answering individual emails!!! Waaaay easier....

Anyway, on August 4, 2006 in Detroit, Michigan at the Motor City Pro Show, I'm going to embark on a new journey in my life.....going from amateur athlete to Pro, playin with the "big girls" now!!! AAHHHH!!! Scared, nervous, excited....YES!!!! I absolutely cannot wait!!

I don't think I've actually begun to comprehend what's happened...and I don't think I really will until I step on that stage for the first time. I absolutely AMAZES me that I'm at this point....when I started on this journey 5 or 6 years ago, my goal was never to turn Pro. I have no athletic ability and the idea of getting in a bathing suit in public still haunts me!!! I wasn't an athlete while growing up, but I sure did attempt to be one!!! The fact that I can now stand on stage with the women I've admired for so long BLOWS MY MIND!!!!! Oh ya, I'll be the one on stage who trips cuz she in such amazement and busy gawking at these ladies!!! Yowza, better practice walking in those heels....

So, I've been working with Scott Abel since September and am really happy with physique has changed a bit, but more importantly, my outlook on myself and this sport has greatly changed. I no longer look at the show as "the end all be all" and more as a goal along the a healthier lifestyle, both mentally and physically, has become much more important to me and something I am greatful to Scott for helping me understand. This last year sure has been a strong learning curve!!!!

Physique wise...well, time will tell!! I've lost a bit of the thickness I previously carried and am more balanced now. My overall conditioning, thanks to my MET training, has really improved as I now train more like an athlete than a bodybuilder. Sure, I miss the previous days of heavy reps and sets, but this is another totally new challenge.

Well well, off to do cardio!!!
All the best,